I recently read somewhere that if Facebook was a country it would be the fourth largest country in the world. With over 700 million users now on Facebook it is a no brainer that you should be using it for more exposure for your business and the way to start doing that is by setting up a Business Fan Page representing your brand.
Not all Fan Pages are created equal ~ here’s a few key features to include in your strategy for your Business Fan Page Success:
- Set up a custom branded Welcome Tab to match your company branding with an enticing message persuading your new visitors to become a Fan. Make sure to include a Call to action above the fold telling your visitors what to do
Create a custom URL to use to direct visitors to your new Fan Page easily, an example would be http://www.facebook.com/yourbusinessname or http://www.facebook.com/yourbesttargetedkeyword This is a great option since the url that you receive when your first set up your page is very long and has a bunch of numbers in it making it hard to direct people to. Make sure to use a targeted keyword and/or your business name within your url so that it is easy to find for your target market.
- Include a custom Branded Profile banner including your logo, personal picture, website url, and a call to action
- Custom Brand the top 5 images that go across the top of your Fan Page with either images with call to actions or business related images. This section of your Fan Page is prime real estate when it comes to drawing the attention of your visitors so make sure you are using this space to it’s full extent. Take a quick read of this blog post for step by step instructions on how to do this!
- Fill out your Information Tab in as much detail as possible including great information about your business, your website and Twitter urls, your business phone #, and any other information about your business that will help a visitor decide to learn more about you. Include keywords within your information for seo purposes.
- Include a tab with an opt-in box and free offer to start building a list of subscribers to continually follow up with. (or you could also include an opt-in box on your Welcome Tab)
Checkout these blog posts for more key Facebook Fan Page strategies:
How to quickly get a massive amount of “ultra targeted” Facebook Fans
Where to start with your Facebook Marketing Strategy
How to Use Facebook for Business
To Your Success!
Kate Wilber
The Marketing Momma