Changes and Updates on the “New Twitter”
Here are some of the basic changes you will see:
- On the homepage the tweets appear on the right side and take up less space than they used to.
- Now when you click on a tweet you get information right there on who clicked favorite and retweeted it. You also have more information on who followed you, @messaged you, and direct Messaged you, right in the stream.
- The Mobile apps for iPhone and Android have also been updated.
Here are the changes that will most affect how you use Twitter to market your business:
- Twitter recently released “Brand Pages” which allow brands to customize their headers so their logos and taglines are more prominent. Although most Brands already have Twitter profiles the new official “Brand Pages” will allow for more interactions with followers and added functions that the regular profiles don’t have. An example of this would be you can allow a tweet to stay at the top of your brand page, and that tweet will be automatically expand to show a photo or video allowing you to focus on your brands message right when someone visits your page similar to how Dell has theirs set up below. The pages also have a row of pictures below the logo and description that regular profiles don’t have. Brand Pages are available to companies large and small.
- Embedded Tweets: You can place embeddable tweets right on your websites by simply using one line of code. (This is really cool!)
- You can see photos and videos right in the tweets by clicking on a link (Checkout how you can see this whole amazon listing right within the stream)
- Launch of the new Discover Tab (Discover will identify stories and trends based on your connections, location and language): In Twitter’s own words
“Simplicity meets serendipity
Discover lets you tap into a stream of useful and entertaining information, customized just for you.
When you use Discover, you’ll see results reflecting your interests—based on your current location, what you follow and what’s happening in the world. As you use Twitter more, Discover gets even better at serving up more content just for you.
Whatever you’re curious about, Discover will help you find out more.”
Here’s Twitter’s official video going over the new changes:
Some other helpful blog posts with some helpful videos on the new Twitter:
Twitter Unleashed Embedded tweets
Make sure to stop by my profile so we can connect @MommaMarketing
To Your Success!
Kate Wilber
The Marketing Momma