by 4bella | Feb 22, 2011 | Facebook Fan Page, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Marketing Tips
With the recent changes to Facebook there are several things you need to know as a Fan Page owner to make sure you take advantage of all the options now available. Today I wanted to share with you a quick little tutorial on how to customize the look of the 5 photos at...
by 4bella | Feb 11, 2011 | Facebook Fan Page, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Marketing Tips
Did you upgrade to the new layout yet for your Facebook Fan Page? I did and I just wanted to write a quick blog post about the changes. Here is a quick summary of what’s new: You can now switch over and interact as your page, rather than just yourself. This...
by 4bella | Nov 22, 2010 | Facebook Fan Page
A long term plan for effectively maintaining your Facebook Page As we all know by now Facebook is a huge player in marketing your small business online. So if you don’t have a Fan Page set-up yet for your business ~ well ~ What are you waiting for?? Once you...
by 4bella | Nov 17, 2010 | Social Media Marketing Tips
Today I wanted to share with you a few tools I use to help make my social media marketing easier, less time consuming, and more effective. As I’m sure most of you are aware by now using social media as a marketing strategy is a necessity if you want to keep up...