Social Media Marketing is one of the top ways most businesses are getting exposure for their businesses nowadays.  If you aren’t using social media as one of your main marketing strategies yet I highly suggest you start.

One of the main reasons I hear most small business owners say they haven’t started using it yet is because of the overwhelm that occurs when you first start to realize how many social media channels there are as options to market with and how much there is to learn to start implementing an effective strategy.

But no worries … I have a great solution for you!  It’s called the Social Media Jump Start Kit.


To help with conquering the overwhelm of trying to learn everything you need to be successful with your social media strategy I teamed up with 6 other experts to create an easy way of learning all the key strategies for each of the main social media channels in bite size pieces. The jump start kit is being released in stages so you can master each social media channel one at a time giving you time to implement what you learn in an effective way.

All of us believe wholeheartedly in the power of social media, and we wanted to create simple, yet thorough learning tools that could help social media newbies get past their fear of the unknown. We also wanted to provide useful knowledge to help current social media users take their efforts to the next level.

It’s no accident that we chose Twitter as our first module (it’s available now, and we will release the following modules about Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, Blogging, and YouTube over the next few months as your work your way through the kit).

Twitter currently has the most buzz of any of social media channel. In fact, Facebook just announced a new initiative to implement hashtags into its functionality. This proves just how influential Twitter is in terms of modern day communications.

Although Twitter is difficult to understand at first, it offers the greatest potential for quickly attracting a big audience and forming relationships with industry experts that were never before possible.

I’m honored to be the author of the Twitter module, our first in a series of six social media modules. It’s the perfect tool for unlocking Twitter’s enormous potential. Let me explain how and why Twitter is the perfect tool for YOU!

Order the Twitter module today or save some money and buy the whole kit upfront for everything you need for social media success!

To Your Success!

Kate Wilber

The Marketing Momma

My mind is mush ... Kate Wilber is the founder and CEO of The Marketing Momma.  She helps small business owners bring their brand online in an effective and affordable way. Specializing in WordPress Website Design and Social Media Marketing she thrives in working with other small business owners to bring their dream alive online using the top industry strategies for ultimate success!  She has been working online full time since 2008 Read More