Facebook Fan Pages are one of the few social media sites that allow you to customize the look of your page to represent your business brand.  Be sure to take advantage of this by applying their option of adding a “Custom Welcome Page for your Fans” to help make your brand stand out in a professional way.

Thanks to the Facebook application known as Static FBML you have countless options for the functionality and look of your Fan Page.  Here are a few options that I highly recommend you include in your page design to get the most benefit from your Fan Welcome Page.  Remember your Fan’s Welcome Page main purpose is to convert new visitors into Fans of your business by giving them a quick look at your business and what it’s all about.  This Welcome Page should be inviting and exciting so the new visitor is compelled to learn more about you.

My # 1 recommendation is Video

The internet can be a cold and hard place with the constant sales pitches, never ending emails, and 1000’s of businesses to choose from.  If you want to succeed you need to find a way to stand out from the crowd and give people a reason to choose you over the other opportunities.  What better way to do this than by just being yourself and letting your customers get to know you ~ video is the best way to do this.  There is only one you, you are unique, and you need to be the reason why someone decides to put their trust in your company and what it has to offer.

Nowadays people are looking for a personal touch and a feeling of really knowing who they are dealing with.  Including a video on your Fan’s Welcome Page is the perfect way to let you Fans get to know more about you and start to establish that trust factor that we are all searching for when dealing with online business.

If video scares you as much as it does me then here are a few options for you to help you get over that hump.

Have someone create the video for you with a video creation service.

Or learn from the best in video AskMrVideo.com on how to overcome those fears and start creating compelling video anytime you need it.

My #2 recommendation is Including an Opt-in Box

If you have been online at all for any amount of time I’m sure you have heard “the money is in the list” and that is why this option is soooo important.  Having a lot of “Fans” on your Facebook Fan Page is a great goal to have but your number 1 goal for those fans should be to convert those fans into “buyers”.  Just because you have 1000’s of fans does not mean those fans are ever going to buy from you and quite frankly after they click that little “Like” button they might not ever think about you and your business again.

If you have a great opt-in offer on your Welcome page and a good majority of those fans decide to opt-in to your list or newsletter then you have those Fans attention for a long period of time because you have the ability to consistently follow up with them about your business straight to their email inbox any time you want.

The first step is to get an email autoresponder account for your business and then create an awesome offer your Fans can’t refuse.  Then present that offer on your Welcome page to start building your list and have an ongoing connection with your customers.

My #3 recommendation is to include links back to your main website, a testimonials page, and other social media pages

Your Fan Page should be used as a way to attract clients and customers to your business.  Social Media Pages are a tool of attraction and you need to be attracting towards your “money site” which is where you offer your products and/or services.  Make sure you remember that concept because I see far too many people who put so much focus into building Fans and Followers that they forget the purpose of building the network to begin with.  Social Media has the main purpose of being social and building relationships.  So use it to build a great relationship with your clients and customers and then it will only be natural for them to be attracted to what you have to offer because you have built a form of trust and personal connection.

Make sure to give them a way to learn more about you and connect with you more by providing links to your website, other social media pages like Twitter, and a testimonial page so they can hear from some of your already established raving Fans.

Having a great Custom Facebook Fan Welcome Page is the first step to success when marketing your small business with social media.The second step is to start building a good relationship with your Fans.  Build a relationship with them by providing resources and information your fans will appreciate.  Once you have a solid relationship you will be amazed at how easy the rest becomes.

To Your Success!
Kate Wilber

PS Disclaimer:  The link in this blog post is an affiliate link and if you decide to purchase from it I will make a small commission.  Thanks!  Just remember I only recommend products that I use myself and feel would be beneficial to you and your business!