Hi everybody!
Just wanted to give you a quick update about what I have been up to lately. Sorry I haven’t posted in a few weeks but I have been busy, bust, busy! I wanted to share with you some of what I have been working on lately and some pictures from my latest trip.
A few weeks ago I attended a workshop in Boise Idaho with Russell Brunson. It was fabulous! It has really jump started my business and taken me to new levels of productivity. I’ll share some pictures below from the trip.
Since returning from the trip I have finished up my latest product called StartAnOnlineStore.com. This 18 week course is perfect for anybody thinking of starting a home business and looking into an ecommerce store for their business model. The course walks you step by step through everything you need to know to start an online store and build it into a successful online business. I will let you know when the product launch date is in the next few days. We are just finishing up the final touches on everything. There is a 14-day FREE trial so you can check it out for free and see if it is something that might be helpful to you.
Now that I am back from my trip and caught up on things I will get back to my regular shcedule of helpful blog posts. Let me know if there are any subjects you would like me touch on in the next couple of weeks. I’m always open to new topics if it is something that would be helpful to you. Here are some of the awesome people I met and the pictures!

Pattie Pilling and her son bestlifestressmanagement.com)

Michael LaFido(Renegade Realtor), Shaun Hadsall and Ryan Colby (GetLeanin12.com)

Russell Brunson and Me!

Pattie Pilling and The Soup Lady Leslie Romriell