It’s an exciting beginning when you first get your website set up online, hopefully you took the time to have a professional website designed and you know what you want your brand and business to represent and offer. So if the old going says “If you build it they will come”, then you should be all set right?? Unfortunately that is not the way it works when building a business online, there is work still to be done, and time to be spent on developing a marketing plan that will work for your business. Believe it or not this is one big piece that a lot of people miss … but now is the time to get started with a proper plan for growth and it is easier and more affordable then you might think.
Here’s an easy 3 step process to get you started:
1. Use Social Media Marketing for a low cost way to get started with some great exposure: Like most new business owners funds may be tight in the beginning, that’s why social media marketing is a great place to start. It’s free, it’s viral, it’s a huge market place to start, and anybody can do it. So step one is set up a Facebook Business Page and a Twitter Page. Make sure to design them to look the same as your website branding, consistency of your brand is a key factor that will make you stand out from most. Then all you need to do is start to connect with people that may be interested in your products or services and build those relationships.
2. Use a Blog to share quality content with your audience. No matter what type of business you may have, blogging is a great way to connect with people and share what you and your business are all about. Sharing quality content on a consistent basis is a fantastic way to build a relationship and highlight your expertise. Remember to share your blog posts with your social media audience too for added exposure. Being consistent with this process will keep people engaged with your company and website especially if the content that you are sharing is beneficial to them and what they need and want.
3. Build a list to keep the relationship going. Building a list of subscribers interested in your business is one of the most important things you can do for your business for it’s long term success. It’s another channel of relationship building that will keep you connected and engaged with your customers and potential customers. Using an auto-responder service like aweber can simplify this follow up system for you so you can put it in place and have it working for you 24/7.
Now that you have these 3 key pieces in place you are ready to implement your marketing plan. Your marketing plan will need to include a few main strategies.
- Build a targeted following by connecting with people who are interested in your niche and what you have to offer
- Build a relationship with your connections and readers by engaging with them daily on social media
- Provide top quality content on a regular basis so you give them a reason to keep coming back for more
- Get to know your connections, learn what they want and need, and then give them what they want
Remember building a business is a marathon not a sprint … take the time to develop a strategy that works for your business and then be consistent and stick to it. The benefits will be well worth it!
To Your Success!
Kate Wilber
The Marketing Momma
Kate Wilber is the founder and CEO of The Marketing Momma. She helps small business owners bring their brand online in an effective and affordable way. Specializing in WordPress Website Design and Social Media Marketing she thrives in working with other small business owners to bring their dream alive online using the top industry strategies for ultimate success! She has been working online full time since 2008 Read More