The best part about Pinterest is the “visual” enjoyment it gives you … unlike the other big social media channels it is all about “images” and if you are a big visual person like me … you are going to love it. Once you get started with it you can create “visual boards” to organize all of your thoughts, wants, and needs all in one convenient place. Your boards are all about “you” and what you like, what you want, and what interests you … so what’s not to like right?? Then you get to share that with the “Pinterest” world and they can repin, like, comment, and share to essentially spread your message of interests even further.
So first off … Pinterest is “FUN!” But there is a whole other side to it that you need to consider .. especially if you own a business. Pinterest … like all other social media channels can have a place in your Social Media Marketing plan for your “brand” if you so choose .. you just need to be creative in your strategy. There aren’t many brands taking advantage of this strategy yet so this is a great time to get out there and start implementing.
Some great examples of the way people use “boards” are to plan their wedding (great for wedding photographers and florists to target), plan the interior and exterior of their home (great for interior designers to target or home decor stores), plan their wardrobe (great for fashion stores and boutiques), plan the trips they want to take throughout their life (are you a travel agent .. these are the people you will want to connect with) The ideas are endless and the target market is there .. you just have to be creative in how you get in front of them.
Here are some great posts on examples of what brands are doing with Pinterest so far
Here’s How Brands Should Use Pinterest
Lands’ End Contest Confirms Strategic Role of Pinterest for Brands
Here’s how Time Magazine is using Pinterest to spread their brands message and products
Another great brand using Pinterest to its fullest is Martha Stewart
Take a good look at how these brands are using Pinterest and then apply that to your business strategy. Remember to not make all of your pins “all about you” if you do decide to use it to help market your brand just like with any social media strategy .. it is all about being social, so share what interests you … which can by the way also include “your” products and message, but do it in an appropriate way (so no spamming of all of your own content, just like everywhere else on the web… nobody likes a spammer).
Make sure to connect with me on Pinterest if we haven’t connected yet … and Happy Pinning! I can wait to see some of your “Boards”
To Your Success!
Kate Wilber
The Marketing Momma