by 4bella | May 15, 2012 | Pinterest
Pinterest has become such a great social media marketing tool for driving traffic I thought it would be helpful to show you how to add a tab for your Pinterest boards on your Facebook Page so you can tie the two together for more exposure. Here’s a quick video...
by 4bella | Feb 14, 2012 | Pinterest, Small Business Marketing Tool, Small Business Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Marketing Tips, Social Media Tools, Website Traffic Tips
Now that Pinterest is fast becoming one of the top traffic generators online it is time to take a real good long look at it to see how your brand can start reaping the benefits of it. The first thing to do with any traffic or marketing strategy is to plan out your...
by 4bella | Jan 18, 2012 | Pinterest, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Marketing Tips, Social Media Tools
Over the past month I started playing around with a new Social media channel called Pinterest. I originally started using it because I noticed a few of my friends using it and “Liking” things that then showed up in my newsfeed on Facebook. So of course I...